Phygital: Toward the empowerment of the customer and the competitiveness of the retail businesses


  • Kenza EL BADIA Hassan First University of Settat
  • Mohamed ASSOUD Hassan First University of Settat
  • Rachid WAHABI Hassan First University of Settat


phygital, consumer experience, prosumer, co-creation value, retail business


With the advent of technology, the retail industry has undergone a significant transformation in the few recent years. Living in the digital era means living in an era where the customers have access to digital tools and information at all times and everywhere. Customers are becoming more tech-oriented, and their expectations are changing rapidly, they also became more demanding regarding many aspects of their shopping experience. And with this free knowledge came the desire to be seen differently, not just the user and the destroyer of goods and services but also an involved stakeholder in the creation process. In response, retailers have been forced to adapt to the new reality and incorporate technology into their businesses. One such adaptation is the concept of phygital - the integration of digital in physical retail spaces, to create a seamless and personalized shopping journey that meets the evolving demands of customers. This article aims to explore, through a critical literature review how the phygital approach can empower customers and make retail businesses more competitive.


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How to Cite

EL BADIA , K., ASSOUD , M. and WAHABI , R. 2023. Phygital: Toward the empowerment of the customer and the competitiveness of the retail businesses. Revue Internationale des Sciences de Gestion. 6, 2 (May 2023).


